a collaborative heart making organization
In remembrance of Chris Johnson's life.
my name is kristen johnson. my twin sister betsy passed away 24 years ago. she had severe cerebral palsy. i miss her and the joy she brought to others. i want to bring that back.
the thing about betsy is, she had the incredible ability to bring people together. she was love and light without ever speaking a word. i want this to shine through in this organization.
i started this organization in the spring of 2019 with the intention of creating inclusion.
this never ending pandemic has caused me to pause and pivot several times.
we are not going to worry so much about inclusion, but more about creating relationships and sharing our tangible love.
we are a heart making organization. we create tangible love.
we are a little organization with a big heart.
just like betsy.
a portion of our profits bring hope and joy to people.
we also do projects and programs that instill the love that is in all of our hearts, but sometimes needs a gentle push or pull.
always smile
project 30.1
camp odayin
bridge for community life
christian community home
this summer i received a small grant from thrivent. heaven's to betsy brought people together to make and paint hearts. they are hung all over communities to spread the reminder to be the change. more hope. love and peace.
i was asked to donate heaven's to betsy hearts to project 30.1. check it out on instagram. it is a huge mural to remind us that we have an active and ongoing commitment that all of humanity have equality, justice, life and peace. each person that participates receives a heart that we made.
if you would like to do a project with heaven's to betsy, please reach out to me at info@heavenstobetsy.us.
we can do great things.
look for some changes in 2022.
some new product, new programs, new projects and a positive presence on social media.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!